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Sue Merry

Staff Biography

Sue Merry

Administrators - Vice Principal

Sue Merry

Phone  403-342-0727
61 Noble Avenue

I was born in Tiel, Holland, and immigrated to Canada with my family when I was one year old.   Sworn in as a proud Canadian citizen,  my Canadian Citizenship papers state that I’m four foot seven inches tall! I speak Dutch, English and French, although my French is somewhat rusty. My passions include leading for learning, supporting students and staff, campaigning for social change, teaching English and Drama, coaching Improv and enjoying all things theatrical.  I am a Safe Contact for our school, and I love my work as an ally and staff liaison with the Gay Straight Alliance. Indigenous education and staff wellness are very important to me.

I attended the University of Lethbridge, earning a B.Ed., major English and minor Drama, and an M.Ed., Educational Leadership. My two children and I love to hike, bike, paddle board, garden and travel together. I am so proud to be a part of the Normandeau family, and honoured to a Vice-principal on our Admin Team.

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